HIV Disease/AIDS
Part One
Historical Chronology
Year |
Discovery |
1940-50 |
Origin of HIV in West Africa (jumping the species barrier) |
1981 |
Gottlieb, Friedman-Kien - initial case reports (Kaposi´s sarcoma, Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia), AIDS was first recognized as a new and distinct clinical entity |
1982 |
CDC created first definition of AIDS |
1983-84 |
Montagnier et al. - detection of causative agent - HIV (formerly HTLV III/LAV) |
1985 |
First antiretroviral - zidovudine (ZDV, formerly AZT) |
1986 |
Montagnier et al. discovered HIV-2 |
1995 |
First protease inhibitor was approved for use in combination with other nucleoside analogue |
1996 |
Reduced incidence of AIDS cases in USA |
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Global HIV/AIDS Epidemiology
Global estimates of the HIV/AIDS by the end of 2009 (in millions) (UN AIDS, WHO)
People |
Adults |
Children |
Total |
Living with HIV/AIDS |
30.8 [29,2-32.6] |
2.5 [1.6-3.4] |
33.3 [31.4-35.3] |
Newly infected with HIV during 2009 |
2.2 [2.0-2.4] |
0.37 [0.23-0.51] |
2.6 [2.3-2.8] |
AIDS related deaths during 2009 |
1.6 [1.4-1.8] |
0.26 [0.15-0.36] |
1.8 [1.6-2.1] |
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Incubation period: 2-6 weeks
Primary HIV infection (>50%)
Early stage of HIV disease (asymptomatic infection, PGL)
Intermediate stage of HIV disease (including ARC)
Late stage of HIV disease (AIDS, including advanced HIV disease and terminal HIV disease)
Classification of HIV Infection
Classification System
1993 Revised CDC HIV Classification System for adults and adolescents
Clinical categories
Clinical category |
Defining conditions |
A |
- Asymptomatic HIV infection
- Persistent generalized lymphadenopathy (PGL)
- Acute (primary) HIV illness
B |
- Fever of >38.5°C >1 month
- Diarrhea >1 month
- Oropharyngeal candidosis
- Vulvovaginal candidosis (persistent >1 month or poorly responsive to therapy)
- Herpes zoster recurrent or multidermatomal
- Oral hairy leukoplakia
- Lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis
- Cervical dysplasia or carcinoma in situ
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
- Listeriosis
- Bacillary angiomatosis
- Thrombocytopenic purpura
- Peripheral neuropathy
C (AIDS) |
- Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia
- Cerebral toxoplasmosis
- Candidiasis esophageal, tracheal, bronchial or pulmonary
- Herpes simplex with mucocutaneous ulcer >1 month, esophagitis, bronchitis, pneumonia
- CMV retinitis
- Generalized CMV infection (in other organs than liver, spleen, nodes)
- Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
- Recurrent pneumonia (with >2 episodes in 12 months)
- Recurrent Salmonella bacteremia
- Chronic intestinal cryptosporidiosis (diarrhea >1 month)
- Chronic intestinal isosporiasis (diarrhea >1 month)
- Extrapulmonary cryptococcosis
- Disseminated or extrapulmonary histoplasmosis
- Disseminated coccidioidomycosis
- Tuberculosis (pulmonary or extrapulmonary)
- Disseminated or extrapulmonary M. avium or M. kansasii infection
- Kaposi´s sarcoma
- Lymphomas (Burkitt´s, immunoblastic, primary in brain)
- Invasive cervical cancer
- HIV encephalopathia
- Wasting syndrome
Laboratory categories
Laboratory category |
CD4+ lymphocyte count |
absolute (/ml) |
relative (%) |
1 |
>500 |
>28 |
2 |
200-500 |
14-28 |
3 |
<200 |
<14 |
Pulmonary Diseases
Pneumocystis jiroveci Pneumonia
Causative agent: fungal organism P. jiroveci
3 typical symptoms:
-dry cough
-increasing dyspnea
Lab: O2, LD, CD4+
X-ray: bil. intersticial shadowing (central parts of the lung fields)
HRCT: ground glass attenuation
Specimen collection (induced sputum, BAL): trophozoites + cysts
Rx: cotrimoxazol, pentamidine, …
Prophylaxis: primary CD4+ <200/ml, secondary after PcP
 Pneumocystis pneumonia - X ray
 Pneumocystis pneumonia - HRCT
 Pneumocystis jiroveci - cysts
Other Pulmonary Diseases
Bacterial and viral pneumonia
Pulmonary tuberculosis
Lymphomatoid interstitial pneumonitis (LIP) - children
Orogastrointestinal Diseases
Diseases in the Oral Cavity
 Oropharyngeal candidiasis (thrush)
 Oral hairy leukoplakia
 Oral Kaposi sarcoma
Gastrointestinal Diseases
Candidal oesophagitis
CMV or HSV oesophagitis
Intestinal infections caused by
- common pathogens (Salmonella, Campylobacter etc.)
- oportunistic organisms (Cryptosporidium, microsporidia)
HIV enteropathy
Nervous System Diseases
Involvement of Nervous System
Nervous system can be affect by
both direct and indirect effects of HIV of CNS
(HIV-encephalopathy = HIV-associated cognitive/motor complex + AIDS dementia complex [ADC])
opportunistic infections (BT, cryptococcal meningitis, PML)
neoplasms (primary cerebral lymphoma)
unknown mechanisms (polyneuropathy)
Brain Toxoplasmosis
Focal encephalitis caused by Toxoplasma gondii
Clinical presentation ranges from focal neur. finding to generalized symptoms – confusion, seizures
CT: hypodense single or multiple lesions, ring enhancement, surrounding edema
Serologic testing – reliable
Rx: pyrimethamin, sulphadiazin, clindamycin
 Brain toxoplasmosis - CT
 Brain toxoplasmosis - MRI
 Primary brain lymphoma - CT
 Primary brain lymphoma - autopsy
 Cryptococcus neoformans in the CSF
Ocular Diseases
CMV Retinitis
CMV: reactivation of latent infection that manifests in pts with
CD4+ <50/ml
Visual field deficits can spread and lead to blindness
Dg.: fundoscopic
Rx: anti-CMV agents
Wasting Syndrome and Metabolic Disorders
Wasting Syndrome
Wasting syndrome = substantial reduction in body weight
Before the advent of HAART, up to 10% of HIV+ individuals fulfilled CDC definition of AIDS because of wasting
In 90s – we expected wasting syndrome – as a typical face of the AIDS of the 21st century
 CMV retinitis - fundoscopy
 Wasting syndrome
 Cutaneous Kaposi sarcoma - solitary lesions
Abnormalities of lipid metabolism and body fat distribution
- central fat accumulation (PI)
- peripheral lipoatrophy (NRTI)
Increased risk of cardiovascular diseases
 Lipodystrophy - accumulation of the dorsocervical visceral fat ("buffalo hump")
 Lipodystrophy - accumulation of the visceral fat
 Lipoatrophy - loss of buccal fat
Skin Diseases
Seborrhoic dermatitis
Progressive chicken-pox
Recurrent and persistent herpes simplex
Herpes zoster (shingles)
Allergic rash
 Seborrheic dermatitis
 Anal condylomata acuminata
Disseminated Infections
Bacterial sepsis (Salmonella)
Disseminated mycobacteriosis (Mycobacterium avium)
Generalized CMV infection
Disseminated tuberculosis
Disseminated mycoses (cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis)
DD: NH lymphoma
Tumors associated with HIV
AIDS-Indicator Tu´s
Kaposi´s sarcoma
NH lymphoma
Primary cerebral lymphoma
Invasive cervical cancer
Other tumors associated with HIV
Hodgkin´s disease
Invasive anal cancer
Multiple myeloma
Lung adenocarcinoma
Leiomyosarcoma (of children)
 Oral Burkitt´s lymphoma
 Kaposi sarcoma on the plant
 Extensive progression of the Kaposi sarcoma
Important Co-morbidities
Viral hepatitis
 Genital primary syphilis (ulcus durum)
 Secondary syphilis (roseola syphilitica)
 Secondary syphilis
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