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Rash (exanthem) = an acute cutaneous eruption in more parts of the body. It can arise due to the systemic effects of a microorganism on the skin.
Exanthematic infection = an infection where the rash is an obligatory, prominent, and fairly characteristic symptom.
According to the morphology the rashes are classified usually to
five (or more)
- maculopapular
- vesiculobullous
- petechial or purpuric
- erythematous
- nodular
Classification of maculopapular rash:
Scarlatiniform rash (<1 mm) |
Rubelliform rash (1-3 mm) |
Morbilliform rash (3-5 mm) |
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Etiology: Streptococcus pyogenes - beta-haemolytic streptococci group A, less frequently C and G.
Incubation period: 2-7 days.
Symptoms and signs: Fever, tonsillitis, red strawberry tongue, generalized, fine, sandpapery rash.
Scarlet fever |
Strawberry tongue with remnats of white fur |
|  |
Strawberry tongue |
Šrámek´s sign - pale papules surrounding fingernails |
Rash ususally appears on the 2
nd day of illness. First appearing is on the inguinal region. The rash consists
of small pink-red maculopapules. Lesions tend to be accentuated in the skin folds, particularly in the region
of the neck, axilla, antecubital fossae, and inguinal and popliteal creases. Pastia´s lines are linear arrays of petechiae in the skin folds.
Differential diagnosis: Infection due to
Arcanobacterium haemolyticum, Kawasaki syndrome, toxic-shock syndrome.
Therapy: Prokain-benzylpenicillin (50 000 IU/ IM 3 days), then bezathinpenicillin (0,6 MIU IM), alternatives: fenoxymethyl-penicillin (PO), macrolids, 1
st gen. cephalosporins.
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Syndroma mucocutaneo-lymphonodulare
Definition: Febrile exanthematic disease usually with cardiac sequelae, that affects children younger than 5 years old.
Etiology: Unknown, probably reaction to toxins (superantigens) produced by staphylococci or streptococci.
Pathology: Systemic vasculitis, in particular coronary arteriitis, which may lead to myocardial infarction and sudden death.
Symptoms and signs: Fever, conjunctivitis, rash, injected pharynx with dry, cracked lips and red strawberry tongue, swelling of the palms and soles with subsequent peeling of the skin. The illness may last 2-12 weeks!
Lab tests: leucocytosis, extreme thrombocytosis, high CRP. Echocardiogram: coronary aneurysms.
Kawasaki syndrome |
Kawasaki syndrome |
Cracked red lips |
Swelling of the hands |
Peeling of the skin around the nails |
Therapy: Polyvalent immunoglobulin, antiagregant agents (acetylosalicylic acid, dipyridamol).
Further reading:
Rowley AH, Shulman ST. Kawasaki Syndrome. Clin Microbiol Rev 1998;11(3):405-414. Full text on-line.
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Etiology: Staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus) producing enterotoxin F, streptococci.
Pathogenesis: Some cases have been associated with the use of tampons during menstruation, other cases have followed staphylococcal infection at other sites.
Dermografism blanch
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Morbilli (in Anglo-Saxon literature rubeola!)
Etiology: Measles virus (Morbillivirus)
Incubation period: 1-2 weeks (usually 9 days).
Symptoms and signs: Prodrome lasting several days, frequently consisting of fever (39-40°C), coryza, conjunctivitis, and cough.
Koplik spots = white lesions on the buccal mucosa. Rash begins on the face 4 days after onset of symptoms. It spreads caudally
over the next 3 days as the prodromal symptoms resolve. The rash lasts 4-6 days (it fades from the head downward). Desquamation may be present.
Koplik spots |
Measles |
Measles |
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Rubella, rubeola
Etiology: Rubella virus
Incubation period: 12-23 days (average 18 days).
Symptoms and signs: Mild prodrome, mild catarrhal symptoms, fever is rarely high. On the first, second or third day, the maculopapular rash appears. It begins on the face
and neck and rapidly spreads to the trunk and extremities. It fades without desquamation in 3-5 days.
Adenopathy commonly affects occipital nodes. Arthralgias are common in young women.
Rubella |
Rubella |
Complications: Congenital rubella.
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Exanthema subitum, sixth disease
Age: Infants.
Etiology: HHV-6, rarely HHV-7.
Incubation period: 1-2 weeks.
Symptoms and signs: Sudden onset, high fever that rapidly disappears on the 4th day. At this time, a rash that resembles rubella appears. The trunk is most affected.
Exanthema subitum
Differential diagnosis: Allergy to antipyretics or antibiotics administered during prodromal phase.
Complications: Febrile cramps.
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Megalerythema infectiosum, fifth disease
Etiology: Parvovirus B19.
Incubation period: 1-2 weeks.
Symptoms and signs: Mild fever, sore throat, in many cases the prodrome is absent. Erythema on the face
suggesting the marks of slapped cheeks, either concurrently or within a few days an annular and confluent erythematous rash
emerges on the limbs and trunk. The rash usually resolves within a week, but can recur episodically for several weeks from exposure
to heat (such as when bathing), cold, exercise, or stress.
Megalerythema infectiosum ("slapped cheeks" and rash on trunk) |
Megalerythema infectiosum ("slapped cheeks") |
Megalerythema infectiosum (rash on buttocks) |
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Infectious mononucleosis: Ampicillin-induced rash.
Morbilliform rash |
Morbilliform rash |
Primary HIV infection: Morbilliform rash.
Primary HIV infection - morbilliform rash |
Primary HIV infection - aphthous ulcers in the mouth |
Typhoid fever: Rose spots (discrete pinkish macules or maculopapules) on the abdomen.
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Etiology: Allergic reactions to various drugs and other compounds
Scarlatiniform rash |
Morbilliform rash |
Morbilliform rash |
Morbilliform rash |
Erythematous exanthem |
Morbilliform rash |
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Etiology: Varicella-zoster virus (VZV).
Incubation period: 10-23 days (average 17 days).
Symptoms and signs: Although there may be short prodrome of fever and malaise, rash is often the first evidence of illness.
Laesions evolve in 5 stages: macules, papules, vesicles, pustulae, crusts.
Typical laesion of the early stage is teardrop-shaped vesicle containing clear fluid, surrounded by reddened area (so called "glass pox").
Laesions appear in crops.
Greatest concentration of the laesions occurs on the trunk, less on the face, extremities are generally less affected.
Laesions in all stages may be found simultaneously. Most laesions are crusted by the 6th day. In many cases, the most irritating symptom is itching.
Chickenpox |
Chickenpox |
Secondary infection of chickenpox (varicella impetiginisata) |
Complicatiions: Pneumonia, encephalitis, impetigo.
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Herpes zoster
Etiology: Varicella-zoster virus (VZV)
Pathogenesis: Reactivation of VZV lying dormant in cells of a dorsal root or geniculate ganglion.
Symptoms and signs: An attack of shingles begins with pain and hyperaesthesia. Within a few days a cluster of vesicles appears in an area of a sensory nerve root.
Herpes zoster faciei
Complications: Facial paralysis (Ramsay-Hunt syndrome), encephalitis, keratitis, corneal ulcer, impetigo.
Sequelae: Postherpetic neuralgia.
Therapy: Aciclovir.
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Etiology: Herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2)
Symptoms and signs: A cluster of vesicles on an erythematous base that progresses to mucocutaneous ulcerations. The common sites are lips, facial skin, nailbed etc.
Oral herpes:
Oral herpes
Eczema herpetic(at)um (Kaposi´s varicelliform eruption): HSV infection of the skin affected with eczema. Illness may be febrile - and severe.
Eczema herpeticum (Kaposi´s varicelliform eruption)
Genital herpes: a) in men - lesions may be found usually on the prepuce or in the coronal sulcus. b) in women - lesions may be found on the vulva, vagina or cervix.
Genital herpes in a man |
Genital herpes in a woman |
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Hand-foot-and-mouth disease: Coxsackieviruses (types A16, A10, and A5).
Hand-foot-and-mouth disease |
Hand-foot-and-mouth disease |
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Etiology: Neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus)
Petechial eruption during meningococcaemia |
Petechial eruption during meningococcaemia |
Ecchymoses during meningococcal sepsis (>3 mm) |
Gangrene of feet due to arterial thrombosis
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Causes of petechial eruption: Rickettsial infections, infection due to Streptococcus pneumoniae in an asplenic patient, enteroviral
infections (Coxsackie A9, ECHO 9), EBV and CMV infection, atypical measles, viral haemorrhagic fevers (VHF), tropical malaria with DIC etc.
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Erythema exsudativum multiforme (Hebrae)
Etiology: Leading causative agents are HSV, EBV, Mycoplasma, Coxsackie B5, Adenovirus, but many cases are
idiopathic or due to drug exposure.
Symptoms and signs: Laesions begin as macules and papules of dark red to brown colour, may develop into blisters and are symetrically distributed on the trunk and extremities.
Predilection sites are knees, elbows, palms, and soles. Mucosal involvement is ususally present and it is painful. The severe form with mucosal involvement
is called Stevens-Johnson´s syndrome.
Laesions on elbows |
Laesions on hands |
Laesions on knees |
Inflammed and crusted lips |
Laesions on trunk |
Therapy: Symptomatic, steroids.
Further reading:
Léauté-Labrezea C, Lamireaub T, Chawkib D, Malevillea J, Taieba A. Diagnosis, classification, and management of erythema multiforme and Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Arch Dis Child 2000;83:347-352. Full text on-line.
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Erythema (chronicum) migrans
Definiton: EM is a cutaneous manifestation of 1st (early localized) stage of Lyme borreliosis.
Etiology: Borrelia burgdorferi, particularly B. afzelii.
Incubation period: 3-32 days (after the tick bite).
Symptoms and signs: Painless flat erythematous lesion with partial central clearing usually localized on the thigh, groin, axilla etc. The diameter is several centimeter.
It may be present for days to several weeks.
Erythema migrans
Therapy: Doxycyclin, amoxycillin, macrolids.
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Erythema nodosum
Etiology: Association with tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, enteric infections (yersiniosis, salmonellosis etc.), herpetic and streptococcal infections.
Pathogenesis: Sensitisation to a number of agents.
Symptoms and signs: Tender nodular lesions on the shins.
Erythema nodosum
Further reading:
Somer T, Finegold SM. Vasculitides associated with infections, immunization, and antimicrobial drugs. Clin Infect Dis 1995;20(4):1010-1036. Abstract on-line.
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Condylomata acuminata
Etiology: Human papillomaviruses (HPV).
Symptoms and signs: Papules with irregular, verrucous surface, located around both the external genitalia or the anus.
Gigantic genital warts |
Perianal warts |
Therapy: Cryotherapy, podophyllin.
- Džupová O. Exanthem of infectious origin. In: Hobstová J et al. Infectious Diseases. 1st ed. Karolinum, Prague 2003, pp.125-137
- Emond RTD, Rowland HAK, Welsby PD. Color Atlas of Infectious Diseases. 3rd ed. Mosby-Wolfe, Times Mirror International Publishers Limited 1995
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© H. Rozsypal
The page was last updated 13-May-2004