Doc. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc, FIAC

English version


   Texty  k přednáškám orgánové patologie -české                                    Postgraduální texty

                                                                                                                         Vysoká škola zdravotní VŠZ




The ppt presentation texts  represent only a structure of the lecture with some key info items and definitions. They do not substitute the textbook recommended. The lectures will provide  rich macroscopy and microscopy documentation with case related comments.

 I look forward to see you in our auditorium.                                               Endocrine pathology 1               Endocrine pathology 2

 Lung pathology I - disorders of airiness                                   Diagnostic cytopathology & significance of biopsy investigation

 Renal & urothelial tumours

 Female genital I

 Female genital II    

 CNS I Bleeding in the skull region

CNS II morphology of dementia                                                 

CNS III systemic degenerations and tumours