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Awards and honours:
National psychiatric prize of
Prof. V. Vondráček in a year 1998 (Z. Fišar:
Biochemické hypotézy afektivních poruch, Galén, Praha 1998)
Kuffner prize in a year
at the book: Zdeněk Fišar, Roman
Jirák: Vybrané kapitoly z biologické psychiatrie (Grada, 2001)
National psychiatric prize of Prof. V. Vondráček
in a year
2006 (Z. Fišar: Depression, antidepressants and membranes)
National psychiatric prize of Prof. V. Vondráček
in a year
2008 (Z. Fišar, J. Raboch: Depression, antidepressants, and peripheral blood
components. NeuroEndocrinol Lett. 29(1):17-28, 2008.
National psychiatric prize of Prof. V. Vondráček
in a year
2010 (Z. Fišar et al.: Vybrané kapitoly z biologické psychiatrie, 2nd ed., Grada,
Prague 2009).
Kuffner prize in a year 2011 for complete works
about biochemical mechanisms of action of antidepressants and the role of