Special Offer for You: You May Participate in the International Congress Free of Charge
Dear Colleagues, Dear Students,
There is a special and unique opportunity to participate in an interesting event without travelling to remote parts of the world.
You save much money for travel tickets, accommodation in the Prague Hotel and congress fee (approx. 600 €).
Please, accept our cordial invitation to 4th Central and Eastern European Meeting on Viral Hepatitis and Co-Infection with HIV held in Prague in the days 11-12 October 2018, Vienna House Andel’s Prague, Stroupežnického Street, Prague 5.
The program consists of infectology, virology and hepatology lectures. You may see and meet there the top specialists from the Czech Republic and foreign guests.
Details about the congress may be found on the website:
Those who are interested may contact me on the e-mail address: viktoraster@seznam.cz to get the registration code and to enrol on the congress website.
Those students who are attending the courses at the Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases will be apologized from the absence in these two days.
I look forward to seeing you in Prague in October 2018!
V. Aster, M.D., Ph.D.