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Last updated: February 27, 2025

Petr Kocna M.D., Ph.D. - Personal data:

MyPhoto Born in Prague (Czech Republic), March 19, 1955
address: Svojšovická 2874/28, Prague-4-Spořilov, CZ-141-00
IkonaMapy phone - GSM +420-602 297 604
married since 1981, two children (David *1983, Jacob *1988), both plays violin, a short video MPEG (4.4 MB) from musical festival Prague Junior Note 2000, held 10.6.2000 in Prague Video 0' 40".

Professional address: Institute of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics, Laboratory of Gastroenterology,
General Faculty Hospital and 1st. Medical Faculty, Charles University
Na Bojišti 3, Prague-2, CZ-121-08, Czech Republic, phone: +420-224 964 268

1974 - graduated at high-school Gymnasium Jana Nerudy Prague, photo after 25 years , and on-line database of my class-fellows .
1981 - graduated at Medical Faculty of Charles University with (MUDr.- equiv. to M.D.)
1989 - post-graduated at Medical Faculty of Charles University (CSc.- equiv. to Ph.D.); thesis:"Isolation and characterization of alpha-gliadin and their proteolytic fragments".

Membership and awards:
Czechoslovak Medical Society of J.E.Purkyne, Czechoslovak Biochemical Society, IUPAC and other national societies. 1978 award of Czech Literary Foundation, 1981 award of Czechoslovak Biochemical Society, 1990, 1997, 2003 and 2004 awards of Czech Society of Clinical Biochemistry. 2015 - awarding by honorary membership of the Czech Society of Clinical Biochemistry, 2017 awarding by honorary membership of Society of Gastrointestinal Oncology of the Czech Medical Society of J. E. Purkyně.
Czech Society of Medical Informatics - member of the Society commitee (1997 - 2002)
Link to CSZIVI page - pages in Czech, and pages with CD-ROM reviews (in Czech)
Member of Czech Bible Society and Society of National Geographic
since 2002 I am a member of SIGN - Stable Isotopes in Gastroenterology and Nutrition
2004 - 2007 Member of IFCC - Working Group on Distance Education (WG-DE)
2008 - 2010 Chair of IFCC Committee on Education and Curriculum Development
2009 - 2011 Member of IFCC - Working Group on Internet & Distance Learning (WG-IDL)
2012 - 2017 Member of IFCC - Committee on Internet and e-Learning (C-IeL)
2015 - 2017 Corresponding Member of IFCC - Committee on Distance Learning (C-DL)
2018 - 2021 Corresponding Member of IFCC - Committee on Internet and Distance Learning (C-IDL)
since 2017 Member of IFCC - Working Group - Fecal Immunochemical Testing (WG-FIT)
since 2022 Member of the Society commitee of Czech Society of Clinical Biochemistry
since 2023 Member of the Society commitee of Czech Society of Medical Informatics

IFCC Education Resources on-line internet available database of education resources published by IFCC C-ECD, WG-IDL and C-IeL.

Employment and research experience:
1975 - started work at the Laboratory of Gastroenterology, in research projects. At first in enzyme activities of the human small intestine, especially in alanine endopeptidase described for the first time by our laboratory.
1981 - started my post-graduate study concerning the gliadin peptides in relation to the pathogenesis of the gluten-sensitive enteropathy, especially on the testing of biological activities of gliadin peptides.
1990 - 1996 working at the Laboratory of Gastroenterology as scientific worker. Participating on the project of the markers for colorectal cancer screening, as well as in developing of a computer assisted documentation in gastroenterology.
since 1992 - working [additional job] at Department of Medical Informatics - Faculty Hospital, Prague. I am responsible for supervising, management of computer networks as well as for further development of the Clinical information systems and on-line image documentation (PACS).
since 1997 - Department of Clinical Chemistry, Laboratory of Gastroenterology, General Faculty Hospital and 1st.Medical Faculty of Charles University, Prague.
since 1999 - Institute of Clinical Chemistry, Laboratory of Gastroenterology, General Faculty Hospital and 1st.Medical Faculty of Charles University, Prague.

Grant projects - participation, 1980-2021:

1981-1990 co-worker of State Research Grant Projects - SPZV VII-1-6/05, SPTR P17-561-507-03/24, SPTR P17-561-507-03/29 (1981 - 1985) and SPZV VIII-1-7/06: Important factors of digestive tract barrier between internal and external environment, SPTR P12-561-817-03/14 : Early diagnostics of gastric cancer, SPTR P12-561-817-03/16: Early diagnostics, dispensarization and prophylaxis of colorectal cancer (1986 - 1990)
1991-1993 principal investigator of the project IGA MZ ČR 0707-3/91: Pathogenetic mechanisms of the gluten enteropathy.
1995 - co-worker of project FRVŠ 0147/94: Application of informational and imaging technologies in eduaction of clinical biochemistry.
1997 - 1999 co-worker of project GAČR 310/96/1366: The role of autoantibodies in the development of human end experimental gluten-sensitive enteropathy, principal investigator - RNDr.Ludmila Tučková CSc. - Academy of Sciences Czech Republic
1998 - co-worker of project GA UK 214/98: The effect of immunosupresive therapy on the course of the idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease, principal investigator - as.MUDr. Milan Lukáš CSc. - 1st.Medical Faculty, Charles University, Prague
1999 - co-worker of project IGA MZ ČR 4217-03: Evaluation of the screening and malignant potential of the colorectal cancer, principal investigator - prof.MUDr.P.Frič DrSc - Central Military Hospital Prague
1999 - co-worker of project IGA MZ ČR ND/5295-3: The indication for panacreas transplantation in perspective of late diabetic complications and quality of life, principal investigator - MUDr. František Saudek, CSc. z Centra diabetologie IKEM, Praha.
1999 - 2001 co-worker of project IGA MZ ČR NI/5246-3: Screening of coeliac patients in risk groups using serology markers and development of food gluten assay kit, principal investigator - doc.MUDr.Helena Tlaskalová, CSc. - Academy of Sciences Czech Republic
1999 - 2001 co-worker and teaching garant - supervisor of PostDoc project GA UK 68/1999/C: New laboratory techniques and methods in the differential diagnostics of small bowell functional disorders, principal investigator - MUDr.Z.Vaníčková
2003 - 2006 co-worker of project IGA MZ ČR 7707-3 Malabsorption of bile acids in patients with Crohn's disease as initial factor of pigment lithiasis origin, principal investigator - doc.MUDr.M.Lukáš CSc.
2004 - co-worker of project FRVŠ General and clinical biochemistry for bachelor's study courses, principal investigator - doc.RNDr.P.Štern CSc.
2011 - 2013 co-worker of project MŠMT ČR - CZ.1.07/2.2.00/15.0048 Klinická biochemie – inovovaná, interaktivní výuka e-learningem (ESF - EU)
2018 - 2021 co-worker of project ÚZIS - Pilotní projekt optimalizace programu screeningu kolorektálního karcinom
2023 - projekt NIKEZ a ÚZIS Časná diagnostika duktálního adenokarcinomu pankreatu

Publications and lecturing:

Published 552 articles (389 as first author, 169 in foreign language). Since 1976 participated in 1875 scientific and research meetings (125 in abroad) presented 1503 lectures/posters (209 in foreign languages). Number of citations in scientific papers (years 1991-2025) according to ISI Web Of Science - 271, Google Scholar Citations - 567, h-index 12.0, ResearchGate Citations - 363, h-index 10, ResearchGate Reads 6405. Recently I am professing students of the 1st. Medical Faculty, students of Technical University, Ph.D. students in Medical Informatics, and lecturing at the Postgraduate Medical School. Articles and references/citations - published in Google Scholar database.

Review of important international meetings with active participation:
1984 - XII.Int.Congress on Gastroenterology, Lisbon, Portugal
1984 - 16.FEBS Meeting, Moskva, SSSR
1988 - 14th International Congress of Biochemistry, Prague
1989 - 7th.Danube Symposium on Chromatography, Leipzig, East Germany
1990 - 11th.Int.Symp.Biomedical Applic.Chromatography, Tallin, Estonia
1991 - IX.Europ.Congress on Clinical Chemistry-EUROLAB'91, Krakow, Poland
1992 - 7th International Congress of Mucosal Immunology, Prague
1992 - 5th.International Coeliac Symposium, Dublin, Ireland
1992 - MEDINFO'92:World Congress on Medical Informatics, Geneve, Swiss
1992 - 2nd.Alpe-Adria Cong.Clin.Chemistry & Lab.Medicine, Graz, Austria
1993 - II.United European Gastroenterology Week, Barcelona, Spain
1993 - XV.Int.Congress of Clinical Chemistry, Melbourne, Australie
1995 - MEDINFO'95:World Congress on Medical Informatics, Vancouver, Canada, abstract
1996 - 7th.International Coeliac Symposium, Tampere, Finland
1996 - MIE'96 Europ.Congress on Medical Informatics, Copenhagen, Denmark, abstract
1997 - TEPR'97 Toward an Electronic Patient Record, Nashville TN, U.S.A., abstract
1997 - DDW'97 Digestive Disease Week, Washington DC, U.S.A.
1998 - Eurosurgery'98, Budapest, Hungary
1998 - AMEE'98 Conference, Prague, abstract
1998 - WCOG'98 11th World Congress of Gastroenterology, Vienna, abstract
1998 - 5nd.Alpe-Adria Cong.Clin.Chemistry & Lab.Medicine, Karlovy Vary, abstract
1999 - 8th.International Coeliac Symposium, Naples, Italy
1999 - XVII.Int.Congress of Clinical Chemistry - IFCC WorldLab, Firenze, Italy - photos , abstract
2000 - 6th.Alps-Adria Cong.Clin.Chemistry & Lab.Medicine, Opatija, Croatia - photos
2000 - 8th United European Gastroenterology Week, UEGW, Brussels, Belgium photos, abstract
2001 - Euromedlab 2001, IFCC Congress of Clinical Chemistry, Prague, Czech Republic
2001 - CROPBSA-CEEPUS Summer University, Zadar, Croatia
2001 - Congress of Slovak and Czech Gastroent.Soc., Piešťany, Slovak Republic
2001 - 9th United European Gastroenterology Week, UEGW, Amsterdam, Holland photos, abstract
2002 - 7th.Alps-Adria Cong.Clin.Chemistry & Lab.Medicine, Regensburg, Germany
2002 - CROPBSA-CEEPUS Summer University, Zadar, Croatia
2002 - SIGN Symposium - Stable Isotope in Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Glasgow, Scotland
2002 - ICCC Int.Congress of Clinical Chemistry - IFCC, Kyoto, Japan, abstract
2003 - Euromedlab 2003, IFCC Congress of Clinical Chemistry, Barcelona, Spain
2003 - 11th United European Gastroenterology Week, UEGW, Madrid, Spain, abstract
2004 - 12th United European Gastroenterology Week, UEGW, Prague, Czech Republic
2004 - SwissMedLab - 8.Alps-Adria Cong.Clin.Chemistry, Luzern, Switzerland
2005 - Euromedlab 2005, IFCC Congress of Clinical Chemistry, Glasgow, Scotland
2006 - 38th. European Pancreatic Club Meeting, Tampere, Finland, abstract
2006 - 5th. Meeting - European Mucosal Immunology Group, Prague, Czech Republic
2006 - MEDTEL 2006 - eHealth Promotion, Prague, Czech Republic
2007 - Euromedlab 2007, IFCC Congress of Clinical Chemistry, Amsterdam, Holland
2007 - 35th Congress Int.Society Oncodevelopmental Biology Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic
2008 - IFCC General Conference, Antalya, Turkey
2008 - 16th United European Gastroenterology Week, UEGW, Vienna, Austria, MTG and FELA -PDF - poster
2009 - Euromedlab 2009 IFCC Congress, Innsbruck, Austria, photogallery, Hp antigen -PDF - poster, qi_FOBT -PDF - poster
2009 - 34th FEBS Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, Gliadins -PDF - poster
2010 - IFCC General Conference, Corfu, Greece
2011 - WorldLab & Euromedlab 2011,IFCC Congress of Clinical Chemistry, Berlin, Germany Full lecture in PDF
2012 - 44th European Pancreatic Club, Praha, Exocrine Pancreatic Function Tests, PDF - poster, photogallery
2012 - 12th EFLM Continuous Postgraduate Course in Clinical Chemistry, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Full lecture in PDF
2012 - IFCC General Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2013 - EFLM Symposium, Patient Safety, Prague
2013 - Euromedlab 2013 IFCC Congress, Milano, Italy, EQA - Quantitative Fecal Blood in Stool -PDF - poster
2013 - AMEE 2013 Prague Congress, Prague
2014 - 3.European Colorectal Cancer Days, Brno, Full lecture in PDF
2014 - WorldLab 2014,IFCC Congress of Clinical Chemistry, Istanbul, Turecko CRC -FIT poster in PDF
2015 - EFLM Symposium, Education in Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Prague, Full lecture in PDF
2015 - 4.European Colorectal Cancer Days, Brno, Full lecture in PDF
2015 - IFCC - EFLM Euromedlab 2015 Congress, Paris, France
2016 - IFCC General Conference, Madrid, Spain
2017 - Euromedlab 2017 IFCC Congress, Athens, Grece, FIT in Children -PDF - poster Pancreatic Functions -PDF - poster
2017 - European Digestive Cancer Days, Prague, Full lecture in PDF
2017 - 2nd Symposium Cutting Edge of Laboratory Management in Europe, Prague
2018 - WEO Colorectal Cancer Screening Committee Meeting, Vienna, Austria
2018 - IFCC WG-FIT meeting, Geel, Belgium
2019 - IFCC - EFLM Euromedlab 2019 Congress, Barcelona, Spain
2019 - WEO Colorectal Cancer Screening Committee Meeting, Barcelona, Spain
2019 - 3rd Symposium Cutting Edge of Laboratory Management in Europe CELME 2019, Prague
2021 - 4rd Symposium Cutting Edge of Laboratory Management in Europe CELME 2021, Prague
2022 - Euromedlab 2021 IFCC Congress, Munich, Germany
2023 - WorldLab & Euromedlab 2023,IFCC Congress of Clinical Chemistry, Roma, Italy
2023 - 5th Symposium Cutting Edge of Laboratory Management in Europe CELME 2023, Prague
2023 - 37.Slovenský a český gastroenterologický kongres, Bratislava
2024 - WEO Colorectal Cancer Screening Committee Meeting, Vienna, Austria
2024 - IFCC WG-FIT meeting, Vienna, Austria

Research projects, grants and international cooperation:

Alanine endopeptidase we described in 1980, studies on enzyme activities of the human small intestine, relationship to the malabsorption syndrome, especially coeliac disease.
Kocna, P.; Frič, P.; Slabý, J.; Kasafírek, E.: Endopeptidase of the brush border membrane of rat enterocyte. Hoppe-Seyler's Z.Physiol.Chem. 1980, 361: 1401-1412
Gliadine peptides - structure, isolation, peptide synthesis, biological and immunological activity in relationship to the coeliac disease.
Kocna, P.; Mothes, T.; Krchňák, V.; Frič, P.: Relationship between gliadin peptide structure and their effect on the fetal chick duodenum. Z.Lebens.Unters.Forsch.; 1991; 192: 1, 116-119
Vágner, J.; Kocna, P.; Krchňák, V.: Continuous-Flow Synthesis of alpha-Gliadin Peptides in an Ultrasonic Field and Assay of Their Inhibition of Intestinal Sucrase Activity. Peptide Research; 1991; 4: 5, 284-288
Kocna, P.; Frič, P.; Tlaskalová-Hogenová, H.; Krchňák, V.; Kasafírek, E.; Šírová, M.: Gluten challenge effect on duodenal biopsy cultivation of coeliac patients and controls. Gastrointestinal Immunology and Gluten-Sensitive Disease; OakTree Press Dublin, 1994; 278-280
Arginase activity in the large bowel mucosa and other proliferative markers used as markers of colorectal cancer.
Kocna, P.; Frič, P.; Zavoral, M.; Pelech, T.: Arginase activity determination - A marker of large bowel mucosa proliferation. Europ.J.Clin.Chem.Clin.Biochem.; 1996; 34: 8, 619-623
GastroBase - information system for gastroenterology with structured medical report, on-line image documentation and expert systems.
Image Atlas - Case reports of unusual, atypical or misdiagnosed cases, based on image documentation system GastroBase-II.
Kocna, P.: The clinical information system GastroBase: Integration of image processing and laboratory communication. MEDINFO'95 Proceedings ed.R.A.Greenes; 1995; 1: 441
Kocna, P.: Multimedia Electronic Textbook. The way from clinical information to education. Proceedings TEPR'97, Nashville, May 1997 ; 3: 362-364
During the past years we had a close cooperation with prof. W.Th.J.M. Hekkens from Leiden's University (Netherlands),continuing cooperation I have with Dr.T.Mothes from the KMU University in Leipzig (Germany) and with prof.Dr. Ch.Ohmann from the Heinrich-Heine University in Düsseldorf (Germany).
I was involved in the project EuroAAP 555 EU Copernicus, concerning acute abdominal pain (principal investigator - prof.Dr.Ch.Ohmann).
Stable Isotopes in Gastroenterology and Nutrition - SIGN, working group of international cooperation, since 2002 I am a member of SIGN, with project of breath test with stable isotope 13C, and application in clinical diagnostics.

Selected publications (English and Czech language) - years 1992-2025

The complete list of publications since 1975 is available in the PDF file References 2025
Fulltext of selected papers (PDF files) - Free fulltext
Articles and references/citations - published in Google Scholar database
Abstracts published in NLM Medline database - NLM Medline abstracts

Kocna, P., Automatický expoziční spínač., Amatérské radio, 1977, 26, A-4, 148-149
Kocna, P.; Frič, P.; Slabý, J.; Kasafírek, E., Izolace endopeptidázy kartáčového lemu enterocytu u krysy. Čas.lék.čes., 1978, 117, 40, 1258-1261
Kocna, P.; Frič, P.; Slabý, J.; Kasafírek, E., Endopeptidase of the brush border membrane of rat enterocyte. Separation from aminopeptidase and partial characterization., Hoppe.Seyl.Z.Phys.Chem., 1980, 361, 9, 1401-1412
Kocna, P.; Frič, P.; Loucký, K.; Slabý, J., Stanovení koncentrace bílkoviny v biologickém materiálu s Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250., Biochem.Clin.Bohemoslov., 1982, 11, 1, 57-65
Kocna, P.; Kasafírek, E.; Frič, P.; Slabý, J., Cleavage of p-nitroanilides of N-acylated tri- and tetra-peptides by alanine endopeptidase from the brush border membranes of rat enterocytes., Experientia, 1983, 39, 4, 389-390
Kocna, P.; Holáková-Kočová, M.; Šašek, A., Simple starch-gel electrophoresis of gliadin proteins using the LKB-Multiphor system., Z.Lebens.Unters.Forsch., 1983, 177, 454-456
Kocna, P.; Mittermüller, B.J., Modification of a microprocessor-controlled HPLC system (Perkin-Elmer). J.Chrom.Sci., 1985, 23, 3, 132-134
Kocna, P.; Frič, P.; Slabý, J.; Kasafírek, E., Aktivita endopeptidázy a dalších enzymů kartáčového lemu v perorálních biopsiích jejuna u malabsorpčního syndromu., Sborník lék., 1986, 88, 10-11, 322-331
Kasafírek, E.; Frič, P.; Slabý, J.; Kocna, P., Inhibitors of pancreatic and leukocyte elastase., Coll.Czech.Chem.Commun., 1987, 52, 3034-3041
Kocna, P., Stanovení aktivity disacharidáz s použitím souprav pro glukózu Lachema., Biochem.Clin.Bohemoslov., 1987, 16, 6, 535-540
Kocna, P.; Frič, P.; Kočová-Holáková, M.; Slabý, J.; Kasafírek, E.; Hekkens, W.Th.J.M., Isolation and analysis of alpha-gliadin peptidic fragments using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chormatography. J.Chrom.Biomed.Applic., 1988, 434, 2, 429-438
Kocna, P.; Frič, P.; Slabý, J.; Kasafírek, E., Nové přístupy k hodnocení testu pro exokrinní funkci pankreatu - Spofa-Gnost Pankenzan., Biochem.Clin.Bohemoslov., 1988, 17, 3, 235-242
Mothes, T.; Mühle, W.; Kocna, P., Wirkung verschiedener Gliadin-praparate auf unterschiedliche Burstensaumenenzyme des fetalen Kuckendarms., Wiss.Z.KMU Leipzig Math.Natur., 1988, 37, 453-459
Stoyanov, S.; Tlaskalová, H.; Kocna, P.; Kryštofová, H.; Hilgert, I.; Frič, P.; Hekkens, W.Th.J.M., Monoclonal antibodies reacting with gliadin-tool for assesing antigenic structure responsible for exacerbation of celiac disease., Immunol.Lett., 1988, 17, 4, 335-338
Kocna, P.; Slabý, J., Rozlišení aktivity pankreatické lipázy a pseudolipázy krevního séra., Sborník lék., 1989, 91, 2-3, 33-39
Perušičová, J.; Kocna, P., Vztah mezi poruchou vnitřní a zevní funkce pankreatu u nemocných s chronickou pankreatitidou., Čs.Gastroent.výživa, 1989, 43, 2, 73-79
Perušičová, J.; Frič, P.; Cacáková, V.; Mardešicová, I.; Štolba, P.; Kocna, P., Vliv vlákniny Sinecalu na kompenzaci cukrovky u diabetiků 2.typu., Vnitřní lékařství, 1989, 35, 10, 998-1005
Kocna, P.; Frič, P.; Kasafírek, E.; Slabý, J.; Tlaskalová, H.; Vančíková, Z.; Hekkens, W.Th.J.M., Isolation and properties of lectin-like glycopeptide from wheat gluten., Lectins-Biology; Biochem.Clinical Biochemistry, 1990, 7, 45-48
Tlaskalová-Hogenová, H.; Štěpánková, R.; Frič, P.; Kolínská, J.; Vančíková, Z.; Jílek, M.; Kocna, P.; Lipská, L.; Slabý, J.; Dvořák, M., Lymphocyte activation by gliadin in coeliac disease and in experimentally induced enteropathy of germfree rats., Advances in Mucosal Immunology., 1990, 781-784
Vančíková, Z.; Tlaskalová, H.; Kocna, P.; Tučková, L.; Andéra, L.; Frič, P.; Kocna, P.; Mothes, T.; Krchňák, V.; Frič, P., Relationship between gliadin peptide structure and their effect on the fetal chick duodenum., Z.Lebens.Unters.Forsch., 1991, 192, 1, 116-119
Kocna, P.; Frič, P.; Slabý, J., Heterogenita laktát-dehydrogenázy;alkalické fosfatázy a kreatinkinázy ve sliznici tlustého střeva., Biochem.Clin.Bohemoslov., 1991, 20, 2, 133-142
Vágner, J.; Kocna, P.; Krchňák, V., Continuous-Flow Synthesis of -Gliadin Peptides in an Ultrasonic Field and Assay of Their Inhibition of Intestinal Sucrase Activity, Peptide Research, 1991, 4, 5, 284-288
Ferkl, M.; Kocna, P.; Frič, P., Srovnání stanovení okultního krvácení ve stolici imunochemickou a biochemickou metodou, Časopis lékařů českých, 1992, 131, 5, 149-151
Kocna, P.; Kocna, J.; Neuwirt, K.; Frič, P., Computer-aided documentation in Clinical Gastroenterology - GastroBase, Health Systems-The Challenge of Change, 1992, 1353-1356
Frič, P.; Slabý, J.; Kasafírek, E.; Kocna, P.; Marek, J., Effective Peritoneal Therapy of Acute Pancreatitis in the Rat with Glutaryl-Trialanin-Ethylamide - A Novel Inhibitor of Pancreatic Elastase, Gut, 1992, 33, 5, 701-706
Benešová, A.; Frič, P.; Zavoral, M.; Kocna, P.; Matějovič, F.; Vokráčka, V.; Mareš, K., Srovnání imunochemického a biochemického testu okultního krvácení ve stolici, Čas.lék.čes., 1993, 132, 17, 523-525
Kocna, P.; Frič, P.; Tlaskalová-Hogenová, H.; Krchňák, V.; Kasafírek, E.; Šírová, M., Gluten challenge effect on duodenal biopsy cultivation of coeliac patients and controls, Gastrointestinal Immunology and Gluten-Sensitive, 1994, 278-280
Kocna, P.; Frič, P.; Tlaskalová, H.; Krchňák, V.; Kasafírek, E.; Šírová, M.; Czerkinski, C., Short-term cultivation of duodenal biopsies in patients with coeliac disease. Effect of the gluten challenge and gliadin peptides., Advances in Mucosal Immunology, 1995, 37, 2, 1367-1370
Tlaskalová-Hogenová, H.; Štěpánková, R.; Tučková, L.; Farré, M.A.; Větvička, V.; Trávníček, J.; Kolínská, J.; Kocna, P.; Frič, P.; Holub, M.; Zoric, M.; Nilsson, L.; Ascher, H., Autoimmune reactions induced by gliadin, Advances in Mucosal Immunology, 1995, 37, 1, 1191-1198
Štěpánková, R.; Kocna, P.; Šterzl, J.; Dvořák, B., Expression of MHC class II antigens and enzymatic activity of enterocytes of germfree and conventional rats as dependent on nutritional factors during suckling, Advances in Mucosal Immunology, 1995, 37, 1, 501-505
Farré-Castany, M.A.; Kocna, P.; Tlaskalová-Hogenová, H., Binding of gliadin to lymphoblastoid, myeloid and epithelial cell lines, Folia Microbiologica, 1995, 40, 4, 431-435
Vančíková, Z.; Kocna, P.; Tučková, L.; Frič, P.; Dvořák, M.; Stoyanov, S.; Tlaskalová-Hogenová, H., Characterization of human, mouse and rabbit anti- gliadin antibodies by ELISA and western blotting, Folia Microbiologica, 1995, 40, 6, 659-664
Tučková, L.; Tlaskalová-Hogenová, H.; Farré, M.A.; Karská, K.; Rossmann, P.; Kolínská, J.; Kocna, P., Molecular mimicry as a possible cause of autoimmune reactions in celiac disease? Antibodies to gliadin cross-react with epitopes on enterocytes, Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology, 1995, 74, 2, 170-176
Kocna, P., Dokumentace v endoskopii - terminologie a počítačové zpracování, in Základy digestivní endoskopie, ed.P.Dítě, 1996, 61-69
Kocna, P.; Frič, P.; Zavoral, M.; Pelech, T., Arginase activity determination - A marker of large bowel mucosa proliferation, European Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Clinica, 1996, 34, 8, 619-623
Kocna, P., Multimedia Electronic Textbook - The Way from Clinical Information to Education, TEPR'97 Proceedings, Nashville, TN - May 1997, 1997, 3, 362-364
209. Tlaskalová-Hogenová, H.; Tučková, L.; Štěpánková, R.; Farré-Castany, M.; Kozáková, H.; Šinkora, J.; Funda, D.P.; Karská, K.; Krupičková, S.; Cukrowska, B.; Nevoral, J.; Kotalová, R.; Pozler, O.; Dvořák, M.; Kocna, P.; Frič, P.: Imunopatogenetické mechanismy celiakie, in Trendy soudobé pediatrie, sv.1 Gastroenterologie, ed. Pozler, O., Galén Praha 1999, str. 179 -197
Dvořák, M.; Kocna, P.; Vaníčková, Z.: Okultní krvácení ve stolici - srovnání imunochemického a biochemického testu stanovení. Časopis lékařů českých, 2002, 141; 7, 217-219
Kocna, P.; Kohout, P.: Biochemické vyšetřování tenkého střeva. in Možnosti neinvazivního vyšetřování tenkého střeva, ed. Kohout P. et al., Praha Galén 2002, str. 29 - 39
Vancikova, Z.; Chlumecky, V.; Sokol, D.; Horakova, D.; Hamsikova, E.; Fucikova, T.; Janatkova, I.; Ulcova-Gallova, Z.; Stepan, J.; Limanova, Z.; Dvorak, M.; Kocna, P.; Sanchez, D.; Tuckova, L.; Tlaskalova-Hogenova, H.: The serologic screening for celiac disease in the general population (blood donors) and in some high-risk groups of adults (patients with autoimmune diseases, osteoporosis and infertility) in the Czech republic. Folia Microbiol (Praha), January 1, 2002; 47(6): 753-758
Špičák, J.; Martínek, J.; Kocna, P.: Laboratorní diagnostika v gastroenterologii in Laboratorní diagnostika, ed. Zima, T. Galén Praha, 2002, str. 59 - 79
Jiskra J, Limanova Z, Vanickova Z, Kocna P.: IgA and IgG antigliadin, IgA anti-tissue transglutaminase and antiendomysial antibodies in patients with autoimmune thyroid diseases and their relationship to thyroidal replacement therapy. Physiological Research 2003, 52: (1) 79-88
Kocna, P.: Laboratorní diagnostika malabsorpčního syndromu, in Malabsorpční syndrom, ed. Lukáš M., Bortlík M., Solvay sro, Praha, 2003, str. 19 - 32
Frič, P., Sovová, V., Roth, Z., Šloncová, E., Kocna, P., Jirásek, A., Čermák, J. Distribution of molecular markers in sporadic colorectal cancer, adjacent and distant mucosa. Folia Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 2004, 2 (2), 62 - 71
Martínek, J., Špičák, J., Beneš, M., Zavoral, M., Lukáš, M., Mandys, V., Kocna, P., Kykal, J. : Vliv eradikace H. pylori na vznik refluxní choroby jícnu - Randomizovana dvojitě slepá studie., Prakt. Lék., 2005, 85; 3, 133 - 138
Frič, P., Hricová, S., Dítě, P., Dvořák, M., Kohout, P., Frühauf, P., Nevoral, J., Pozler, O., Utěšený, J., Kocna, P., Tlaskalová-Hogenová, H., Bušinová, I., Rubínová, B. (Expertní skupina MZ ČR pro celiakální sprue): Memorandum - Celiakální sprue (CS) - současný stav a sociální situace nemocných v České republice. Klinická biochemie a metabolismus 2005, 13, 1; 52 - 53
Chleboun, J.; Kocna, P.: Isotope Selective Nondispersive Infrared Spectrometry Can Compete with Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry in Cumulative 13CO2 Breath Tests: Assessment of Accuracy. Klin. Biochem. Metab., 2005, 13; 34/2, 92 – 97
Kocna, P.: Laboratorní diagnostika malabsorpčního syndromu. in Gastroenterologie 2006 - Collectio novissima, ed. Bureš J., Triton-Praha 2006, 181 - 198
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Tichá A., Kocna P.: Analýza dechu v experimentálním a klinickém výzkumu. in Metodologie předklinického a klinického výzkumu v metabolismu, výživě, imunologii a farmakologii. edited: Zadák Z., Květina J., Galén-Praha 2011, str. 123 - 141
Kovářová J.T., Zavoral M., Zima T., Žák A., Kocna P., Kohout P., Granátová J., Vaníčková Z., Vránová J., Suchánek S., Beneš Z., Čelko M.A., Povýšil C.: Improvements in colorectal cancer screening programmes – quantitative immunochemical faecal occult blood testing – how to set the cut-off for a particular population. Biomed Pap 2012, 156(2):143-150
Kocna P.: E-learning experiences of national societies of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine. in Advances in Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, edited Renz H., Tauber R., DeGruyter 2012, chapter 2.22, p: 99-101
Dítě P., Novotný I., Kocna P., Bojková M., Kupka T., Nechutová H., Kianička B.: Zvláštnosti diagnostiky a terapie exokrinní pankreatické nedostatečnosti. Vnitř Lék, 2013, 59(1): 65-70
Kocna P., Zima T. : Doporučení České společnosti klinické biochemie ke správnému používání metody stanovení okultního krvácení ve stolici. Tempus medicorum 2015, 24/10: 30-31
Kocna P.: Laboratorní diagnostika in Selhání střeva a transplantace tenkého střeva, ed. Oliverius M., Kohout P., Mladá fronta Praha, 2017, str. 115-124
Kocna P.: Kvantitativní analýza hemoglobinu ve stolici - význam pro screening kolorektálního karcinomu. Onkologická revue 2017; 6: 6-11
Malíčková K., Brodská HL., Kocna P.: Laboratorní diagnostika nemocí střeva in Nemoci střev ed. Lukáš K.,Hoch J. Grada Publ. 2018, str. 107-139
Seifert B., Král N., Suchánek Š., Zavoral M., Kocna P., Májek O., Ngo O., Dušek L.: Čas pro změny ve screeningu kolorektálního karcinomu v ČR. Acta Medicinae, 2018; 12: 28 - 32
Kocna P.: Laboratorní diagnostika exokrinní funkce pankreatu. Klin. Biochem. Metab. 2020, 28 (49)/4; 150-160
Benton SC, Symonds E, Djedovic N, Jones S, Deprez L, Kocna P, Maria Auge J; International Federation of Clinical Chemistry Faecal Immunochemical Test Working Group (IFCC FIT-WG). Faecal immunochemical tests for haemoglobin: Analytical challenges and potential solutions. Clin Chim Acta. 2021, 9; 517: 60-65
Kocna P.: Kvantitativní stanovení hemoglobinu ve stolici – preanalytické a analytické aspekty. Klin. Biochem. Metab. 2021, 29 (50)/1; 4-10
Kocna P.: Gliadin 33-mer v patogenezi, terapii a monitorování celiakie. Klin. Biochem. Metab. 2021, 29 (50)/2, 64-70
Kocna P.: Funkční dechové testy – neinvazivní diagnostika v gastroenterologii. Klin. Biochem. Metab. 2021, 29 (50)/3; 124-131
Válek V., Martínek J., Kocna P., Zima T., Hermanová M., Šmajs D., Krejsek J., Zavoral M., Kamarádová K.: Ostatní vyšetřovací metody v gastroenterologii in Mařatkova gastroenterologie, ed. Zavoral M. Karolinum, Praha, 2021, str. 209-286
Lahoda Brodská H., Kohout P., Kocna P.: Markery funkce a poškození pankreatu, vybrané diagnostické testy v gastroenterologii, in Laboratorní vyšetření v klinické praxi. ed. Lahoda Brodská H., Kohout P., Grada Publishing, Praha, 2022, str. 75-81
Karas D., Bužga M., Stejskal D., Kocna P, Holéczy P., Novotná A., Švagera Z.: Breath Tests Used in the Context of Bariatric Surgery. Diagnostics 2022, 12, 3170

Private activity, hobby:

My interest - hobby: classical photography (some of example included), old classical music of the 14. -17. century, I am singing in an amateur, church, mixed choir - named Jeronym (there are some digitalized samples in .RA format - for RealAudio player - of Jeronym's concerts on the WWW page - text in Czech or German, but pictures and sounds should not be translated) and of course computers and electronics in general. I hate Windows 95/98 and do not like any so called "black boxes" as I prefer to control anythink myself. My favorite software is MS PowerPoint, but in computers I prefer MS DOS system. I address myself to the computer graphics, electronic publications, multimedia and CD-ROM and to use these as a tool of a modern lecturing and teaching.

IkonaHerbar I like nature - flowers - herbs, and the photography is my hobby. I prepared the classical herbarium, as young, with dried-up flowers, and I had more then 300 flowers. Today I am using digital photography with Olympus Ultra-zoom camera Camedia and more than 500 flowers and herbs are presented at my Digital - Herbarium.

IkonaTheophilos Multimedia and electronic text I prefer also for Bible study, interesting site will be URL - the perfect free multilingual software and also HomePage of Theophilos users with many Add-On modules My private HomePage concerning the theology and Christianity (only in Czech at this moment) is at URL .

IkonaCCE The Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren is a Christian church containing traditions of Czech and European reformation, founded in 1918 by the connection of two protestant currents: the Lutheran and the Calvin one. It is a church based on testimony of the Bible, first of all on the gospel. Though some of its traditions go back up to the 15th century, it tries to be a modern church dealing with up-to-date world’s problems. Its organization is formed by principles of democracy. Since 2006 I am working as Head of the Elders - The Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren - Prague 10 Strašnice .

The Czech and International Internet resources linked with our WWW pages:

Home pages of the 1st.Medical Faculty of Charles University, Prague, General Faculty Hospital - Prague-2, Charles University, Prague, Czech Society of Medical Informatics , Czech Society od Clinical Biochemistry, Czech Gastroenterology Society and a Czech Society of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Informatics - Czech Medical Associations J.E.Purkyně, Czech Chemical Society and Czech Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

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