- nosepiece
- condensers
- BP filter turret
- Z - drive
- XY stage (PRIOR ProscanIII)
- analyzer
- epifluorescence shutter
- light-path (5 ports)
- diascopic illumination (C1si)
- PlanApo VC 60x N.A. 1.40 (oil)*
- Plan Fluor 40x N.A.1.30 (oil)
- Plan Fluor 10x N.A. 0.30
- PlanApo VC 20x N.A. 0.75*
- PlanApo 40x N.A. 0.95
- Apo TIRF 60x N.A. 1.49*
* DIC available
- LWD Abbe
- LWD DIC N2 (Nomarski)
- Bertrand lens for Ph ring alignment
- PlanApo VC 20x N.A. 0.75
- PlanApo 40x N.A. 0.95
- Apo TIRF 60x N.A. 1.49
FilterCubes (WF fluorescence)
- UV-2A Ex.330-380/ DM 400/Em.420L
- FITC Ex.465-495/DM505/Em.515-555
- TRITC Ex.528-553/DM565/Em.578-633
- PlanApo VC 20x N.A. 0.75
- PlanApo 40x N.A. 0.95
- Apo TIRF 60x N.A. 1.49
CCD camera
WF excitation source
Laser scanning confocal system
Laser lines
- 405nm diode (AOTF)
- 488nm line Ar (AOTF)*
- 514nm line Ar (AOTF)*
- 543nm HeNe (AOTF)
- 633nm HeNe (ND4+ND8)
*only one of the lines can be used in one Fr series
Scannnig head DM
- 488/543/633nm
- 405/488/543nm
- 20/80 (R/T)
- 10/90 (R/T)
PMT filter cubes
- Set 1: 515+/-15nm, 590+/-15nm, 650nmLP
- Set 1: 450+/-15nm, 515+/-15nm, 600nmLP
Spectral Detection
- 32channels in 400-650nm range
- channels width 2.5nm/5nm/10nm
- linear anmixing algoritm based on single value decomposition method
Perfect Focus System
- Nikon 2nd generation with offset. Non suitable for plastic dishes and PH objectives
LiveScan Swept field confocal system (SFC NIKON - Prairie inc.)
Laser lines
- 488nm (Sapphire 488-50
- 561nm (Jive-50)
- 643nm (RCL-035-643)
- Photometrics Cascade 512II
Scanning modes
- pinhole modes (up to 100fps)
- slit mode (up to 250 fps)
- EZ-C1 v.391 (C1 cofocal aquision)
- NIS elements v. 4.13 (SFC, WF, BF)
- Huygenes v.4 (deconvolution, visualization)
- FiJi (image analysis and adjustments)